Engineering Surveying – South Geelong to Waurn Ponds Rail Upgrade
Swanson Surveying are currently completing engineering construction surveying for the South Geelong to Waurn Ponds Duplication project as part of the Australian and Victorian governments’ $1 billion Geelong Rail Line investment. The works include the upgrade of the South Geelong and Marshall railway stations with the addition of new station buildings, forecourts, second platforms, more shelter and better accessibility, as well as improvements to the rail signals between South Geelong and Waurn Ponds.
Our team on site consists of 5 to 7 full-time surveyors plus off-site support, and the surveying services provided include survey control network, monitoring and machine control, set out and as built of the underground services, detailed excavations, concrete, structural steel, pre-cast, civil and landscaping.
The complex project will help deliver more frequent and reliable services for passengers on the busy regional rail line but has presented Swanson Surveying with a unique set of challenges. These include working from an entirely digital design set of 3D models, coordinating works across multiple subcontractors and resourcing 24/7 Occupations including a 70-day Absolute Occupation from June to August 2024.

Engineering Construction Surveying